Seeds Sprouting in Organic Garden
Meet Ron! Ron is volunteering his time to help getting ISLA Academy's organic garden up and growing. He has been busy boosting our...

ISLA Students Hike Salcedoa Nature Preserve
ISLA Academy elementary and middle school students hiked the Salcedoa Nature Preserve. A group of Mr. Sean's former students from the...

Learning About Sustainability at Wise Mountain Retreat
Our students visited the beautiful Wise Mountain Retreat to learn about organic farming and building from recycled materials. While...

Social Activist, Robin Wiszowaty, Visits ISLA Academy
As ISLA Homeschool Academy students dig deeper into their "Green" unit, in which they are exploring ways to lesson their footprint, raise...

What is ISLA "Homeschool" Academy?
It used to be called homeschool. It still is at the time of this writing, I guess. But that’s not what it is at all. In fact, it looks...

First Month @ ISLA Preschool Academy
At ISLA Academy, our students are eager to learn. Our teachers are dedicated. Our playground and facilities look better and better each...

Playschool Starts Friday with Music Makers
ISLA Playschool Academy is starting off it's Friday series of Mommy and Me classes this Friday, September 11. Our first class will be...

ISLA Academy's First Annual Potluck Picnic
ISLA Academy's first annual Back to School Potluck Picnic this past weekend was a great success. We had the chance to meet many so many...