ISLA Academy Students Reach Summit of Pico Duarte

From May 12-15, 2017, ISLA Academy Phase 5 and 6 students climbed to the highest point in the Caribbean, Pico Duarte, in the central mountain range of the Dominican Republic. They started their trip with a beautiful waterfall hike in Jarabacoa. On Day 2, they entered the national park and climbed nine hours until reaching the base camp of La Compartición.
Waking up at 3:00 am on Day 3, the team began their final ascent to the peak, at 3,087 meters! They returned to base camp that evening for dinner and celebration. On the fourth and final day, the students descended another 6 hours before returning triumphantly to ISLA Academy that afternoon.
Along the way, they saw unparalleled beauty. More importantly, they learned about themselves and what it takes to overcome challenges. We are all so proud of them!